A Wonderful Drawing That My Sister Made When She Was Little
This entry was posted on Monday, October 1st, 2007 at 4:15 pm and is filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.
i tought girls liked to paint there hair? i know my gf does…
or was she scared for the hairdresser?
By the way drew, when can we expect a sequel of "Jokes with Einstein" ?
I watched them all again yesterday, was LOL again =p
i noticed in your last drawing, your sir happened to be. RIGHT handed.
he should be evicted and duly backhanded by a left handed pimp just too ensure HE knows how things go on this site.
and i do have a question. where do the ambidextrous stand in this war?
who are you accusing of what? huh? I don't understand.
Justin and I are both RIGHT-HANDED. It's in the title. That's the point, yeah?
Ambidextrous people are all LIARS. No, I dunno.
It wouldn't be hypocritical either…
They may have thought that the site was made by left-handed people.
Although, that would be quite stupid and there would be no novelty or "awesomeness" behind that, would there?
Oh and as Matt said, even if that were the case, hypocritical would have nothing to do with it.
Eh Hem… Drew, you didn't put in there that I am left-handed, therefore I am a pro at left-handed cartoons
Love your sister,
haHA, that's right! Way to go adding a semblance of relevance to something I just thought was cute!
By the way…. Joe from Tally Hall is cute
If there's no guest comics allowed, how did Joe Hawley of Tally Hall manage to sneak in?
We must put a stop to this. It's out of control.
hahah there always guest toons… thinks back no wait there was maybe 0ne…. well my point anyway is to make me a samage, no floor go do my food preparation for me….
weird i just looked at my keyboard and the is junk in it….
up date on my keyboard problem i figure it was when i snizzed the other day and couldn't find where my snot landed….
oh, i was saying. the guy IN the cartoon was using his right hand and i saw that as a reject in our eyes.
i personally think all of the toons should be left handed from now on.
It seems to me that the basis for this comic series is that the creator is working with a comfortable medium (the cartoon), but with an uncomfortable tool (his weaker, or less used, hand). This is general theme behind each comic: an adventure into the unfamiliar domain in which we are not masters.
In that case, considering that the general theme is to embrace that which is atypical, perhaps the subjects in the comics should be primarily right-handed, because it would be too familiar for a comic entitled "Left-Handed Toons" to feature left handed protagonists.
Thus, the simplest way to promote the deviant theme would be to have the ones we would expect to be southpaws instead be right-handers.
As a par chef once said, "Bam."
he is a english student get him!!!!!
hahahahah man dont look into the comics that much just enjoy the funniness of the greatness
although point well proved…
man you guys should just create a forum…. there enough of us here to make it enjoyable!
haha that durka dude got sooooo pwned.
..oh.. wait..
Haha Durka, no pwn intended.
No pwn inteded what do you meen everything needs a pwn intended that way there said coment would be more insulting to the receaver of the said insult…Duh.(go smartness).
the view on the L.H.T. thing is that drew should be consintrated on spinnerdisc instead of drawing semi-funny lefthanded toons. As funny as they are need to stop I need ninjusu fighting plade in my life.
as so every-one else should too.
NOOOOO keep up l.h.t as welll its one of the best comics i read….
actually i want more tiny plaid ninjas…. oh and a forum… everyone push for a forum!
well he hasnt made a new toon for spinnerdisc in a while.You guys neeeed a forum.
my review here…
Left-Handed Toons Blog » Blog Archive » A Wonderful Drawing That My Sister Made When She Was Little